SEASON’S GREETINGS To One And All, Friend Or Foe, Rich Or Poor, Fan Or Soon-To-Be-One:
You already know the big news on this end: The Del-Lords, all four (count ‘em, four) original members: Eric, Frank, Manny and myself, have decided to rev this muscle car up & see what’s left in the tank. We’ve decided that there’s still miles to cover & roads to cross. And, I am pleased to report: so far so good. The tank appears to be full, and the engine is running clean and mean.
There is already a new record in the works. We’ve mapped out about a dozen songs & I’ve got a bunch more right here in my pocket. We’ll be knocking it out over the next few months and, in the interim, will be posting a few songs at a time.
It’s like the age of the .45 all over again, only digitally. We really look forward to being able to get to our people so instantly and directly. In the meantime, MERRY XMAS, BABY, which we recorded back in 1982 (I think), is up on the site. Won’t cost but a dime, just a nickel a shoe, AND, do a million dollars worth of good for you. Actually, it’s free.
It’ll be great to establish a real ongoing dialog with you guys. I will check this space as often as I can, and will surely be weighing in on whatever’s on your mind, and (you can be sure, count on it) giving you a piece of mine.
But first, the holidays. I hope you are all with family and loved ones, and not for a minute longer than is actually comfortable. But, not a second less either. Hug ‘em tight.
And remember we are all our brothers’ & sisters’ keepers. Take care of each other. And, look out for each other, too.
And, for all the lonely hearts out there, I haven’t forgotten about you.I’m thinkin’ ‘bout ya. I’m here for ya. And, I got a special song for ya, too. I’m gonna sing it just for you, but to myself, at 12midight EST on Christmas Eve. So stick your head out the window, be still and listen real hard because I’m gonna sing it real quietly, so as not to disturb even for a minute the silent night and prayers for Peace On Earth.
Peace & Love to one and all,
Back at ya, My Friend.
Right on, Scott. Can’t wait to hear the new stuff. Here’s to a righteous 2010 for all of us.
Scott, thanks so much for that Christmas note from you. It struck a chord in me, and sincerely brought a tear to this old boy’s eye. TheDel Lords have played such an important part in my life, as your solo records have too, for over 25 years now. I can’t wait for you guys to hit the road- please be sure to swing through Providence and Boston, though I will travel to the Big Apple if need be! Again, thanks for everything, especially keeping the flame burning… Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah to you my brother.
Happy Holidays Scott! The new year is going to be even better w/ the Del Lords back with the twin guitar attack of Top Ten and Roscoe, and the kickin’ backbeat of Frank and Manny!!
I’m f*ckin’ pumped to hear the new stuff!
Take Care!
Indianapolis, IN
Back atcha Scott…hope all is with you.
The news ya’ll getting back together is the best Christmas present ever! Can’t wait to hear the new songs. Don’t forget to put Houston on your tour itinerary. 2010 is going to be a great year for rock and roll!
hi scott: my best wishes for you in 2010. i´ll see you on your spanish tour. hope to see you in basque country
Hope you guys are running a video camera in the studio! It would be a shame not to document this truly historic event!
The news ya’ll getting back together is the best Christmas present ever! Can’t wait to hear the new songs. Don’t forget to put Houston on your tour itinerary. 2010 is going to be a great year for rock and roll!